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Wombats Is Back

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Some more good news to come out the back of 2020 is that Wombats has finally returned with a whole lot of fresh threads to get yourself or your friends just in time for the silly season.

Wombats Lifestyle is created by the crew in Cronulla adding to the spark of a much needed creative resurgence from the area, gathering together a bunch of local photographers and mates to jump into the shots for their new release really shows exactly what Wombats Lifestyle is all about.


We are so stoked with this release theres something for everyone, with a whole lot of new hats, totes and tees to get around as well as some air fresheners to hang in your vehicle, or where ever you may need it. Bringing that together being ethically made and environmentally conscious.

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From ourselves creating out of Cronulla we are super keen to see people getting out there and paving their own way, we can’t wait for what’s in store for the people behind Wombats we think it’s gonna be big!

They release tomorrow so keep an eye out and support your local, you can find them at:



lifestyle: @tianacornishphotography

studio: @samvennphotography

fun stuffAmber-Rose Layton